
E.G. Weeks
Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Romance, Erotic Romance, Women's Fiction, African American Interest, Poetry
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- Member Since
Jun 2015
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
13 January
- Profession
Elaine, or Lainey, as she prefers, was born in Queens, New York and grew up on Long Island. She graduated from Florida State College in Jacksonville with an Associate of Arts degree. She began her professional writing career in 2014, at the age of 51, with her first novella, Tatiana’s Chance and has since added several books to that series. Lainey enjoys writing romance, inspiration, and poetry that touch the lives of women. Most of her characters are in the 30-60-year old range and her hope is to remind women that they are beautiful, sensual beings, no matter their age or station in life. Her message to her readers is simply this: Live each day to the fullest! Life is not over at some magical number. We do not have to be relegated to the porch rocking chair or the senior center just because we get our AARP card in the mail. Being old is a state of mind but LIVING bold is also a state of mind. We can each write our own story.
Lainey is a mother of three daughters and a grandmother. She lives and writes in Florida and is available for speaking/reading engagements. Her books are available on Amazon.